
Melvin Beer x BoomCase

Our latest custom collaborative BoomCase with Melvin Brewing! A fully functional BoomCase that opens up to reveal a cushy home for a 6 pack of Melvin Beer! Email us if you want one customized for your self or brewery!

melvin beer BoomCase BoomBox Speaker Bluetooth Portable Brewery

melvin beer BoomCase BoomBox Speaker Bluetooth Portable Brewerymelvin beer BoomCase BoomBox Speaker Bluetooth Portable Brewery



E&J Brandy x BoomCase


The holidays are all about coming together to celebrate the season and this year E&J Brandy is looking to turn it up a notch. That’s why E&J partnered with official party starters, BoomCase, to create customized speakers designed to elevate any evening.  Fans can enter now through December 31st for a chance to win one of 21 limited edition barrel speakers; including a grand prize speaker crafted from an authentic E&J barrel.

This one of a kind collaboration is so unique that BoomCase co-creator, Dominic “Simo” Odbert, traveled to the E&J barrelhouse to meet up with E&J’s Master Distiller and hand-select the perfect grand prize barrel. With incredible acoustics and distinct style, this exclusive barrel speaker is guaranteed to get your holiday’s boomin.

Learn more about this limited edition collaboration and enter for your chance to win by visiting


BoomCase on Ukraine’s #1 Travel Show

Here is a clip from our feature on the Ukraine Travel show Heads or Tails back in 2015. (aka Орёл и Решка )

Filmed in San Francisco, California. The Hosts of the Show flip a coin and one of them gets to go around a city and spend an unlimited amount while the other only has $100. Tony, the host in the clip, “won” the unlimited amount.


Made To Last – New BoomCase Press

It’s an honor for us to be apart of this amazing new book “Made to Last: A Compendium of Artisans, Trades & Projects” by Vanessa Murray! She wrote an amazing feature about us and many other artists in this beautifully designed book. Well worth it just to see all the great things still made by hand throughout the world.

You can purchase the book at Amazon (link) or Barnes and Noble (link)

Made to last Vanessa Murray BoomCase Book Handmade BoomBox Wood Suitcase Vintage Made to last Vanessa Murray BoomCase Book Handmade BoomBox Wood Suitcase Vintage Made to last Vanessa Murray BoomCase Book Handmade BoomBox Wood Suitcase Vintage

New Cases News

Hendrick’s Gin BoomCase Build Video

Our Hendrick’s Gin BoomCase takes multiple days to make from start to finish. Because of how much is involved in this BoomCase we decided to put together this little video of some of what goes into making these limited edition BoomCases. Enjoy!


New online store in the works!

UPDATE: Our store is now up and running 🙂

After nearly 8 years the service we have been using to power our online store is closing down 🙁 ! We are hard at work at making a new web store but are not quite finished with it. On Jan 31 the old store will shut down. We hope to have the new one up and running by next week at the latest but hopefully sooner. In the meantime we will take orders on the Hendricks BoomCase,the BoomBarrel, our new Wooden BoomCases and any custom order. Please email us at if you need help.

Thanks for the continued support!

BoomCase Store BoomBox Store