Two New Rare BoomCases…
BoomCase Babes @ LovEvolution 2011
Introducing Our Newest Lunchbox BoomCase – The Spinach-Power Blaster. With Two Full Range Speakers + Two Silk Dome Tweeters + One Mini Horn Tweeter & One Square Mini Sub-woofer its most likely the loudest lunch box in the galaxy!
Oh the memories…Last holiday season was when we got our big start. It all happened one day on the internet…then in magazines…then to our wonderful surprise The BoomCase orders just blew up! Thanks everyone!
Our team basically worked 24/7 from September – December trying to get BoomCase’s out to our awesome customers before Christmas came along. Now we are getting prepared for the holiday season and want to remind you all to order your BoomCase soon to get it before the holidays.
We are also LIMITING CUSTOM ORDERS to Three a month starting September 24th. But don’t worry we will be in maximum creative creation mode putting up well crafted and designed BoomCases in our online store.We recommend getting your order in before November, if you wish to have it before Christmas.
Again thank you so much for your patience. As you might know we are a small very dedicated team who want only the best for our awesome customers and fans. 🙂
p.s. We added a Rentals section. Check it out for more information.
Disco is making a comeback! At least in BoomCase Form…
Little Thumpy also returns in its 3rd iteration…
Finally – The Hottest Music To Come out of Oakland this Year…