
Urban Outfitters x BoomCase

We have exclusive BoomCases for sale at Urban Outfitters! If you need a BoomCase for Christmas and don’t see one in our online store please check out (All BoomCases have been sold. We will post a new update once Urban restocks their online store or retail stores.)

Urban Outfitters BoomCase BoomBox Speaker Portable Bluetooth Vintage Suitcase Gold

Urban Outfitters Brand Feature

Happy New Year! Big thanks to everyone who helped make 2014 our busiest year yet.

Just before the new year Urban Outfitters sent out a team to our studio for a feature on their website. Read the whole interview here + see more pictures. Look out for more BoomCases in Urban Outfitters stores + new ones coming to our online store in the next coming weeks.

BoomCase Urban Outfitters Studio BoomCase Urban Outfitters Studio Visit Blog Feature Brand Design California Upcycles New York Suitcase Speaker BoomBox Vintage Unique

If you want to see the Day to Day of the BoomCase Team be sure to find us on Instagram @BoomCase (LINK).



Urban Outfitters Herald Square NYC

“BoomCase was front and center. A highlight of the opening.” Honored to be apart of Urban Outfitters new New York store in Herald Square. At 57,000 square feet it is their largest ever + has a salon and cafe inside! Thanks to Brad for all the years of support – this is a fraction of the cases they have – More are spread through out the store. Go check it out ! Location is at 1333 Broadway
New York NY 10018-7204.

BoomCases are also available in Urban’s new concept store Space 98 in Brooklyn – 98 N 6th Street
Brooklyn, NY, 11249.

space 98 Brooklyn urban outfitters herald square boomcase NYC NY new york urban boombox bluetooth speakers

New Cases

Urban Outfitters BoomCase

A New Batch of BoomCases have arrived at Urban Outfitters! Check out and search BoomCase to see more or click the link below.

Urban Outfitters Urban Fashion Suitcase BoomBox Suitcase Speaker BoomBox BoomCase Jamie Oliver UK London Chef Cook Bruno Mars Kaskade Apartment Decor Home StereoUrban Outfitters Urban Fashion Suitcase BoomBox Suitcase Speaker BoomBox BoomCase Jamie Oliver UK London Chef Cook Bruno Mars Kaskade Apartment Decor Home Stereo

Urban Outfitters Urban Fashion Suitcase BoomBox Suitcase Speaker BoomBox BoomCase Jamie Oliver UK London Chef Cook Bruno Mars Kaskade Apartment Decor Home Stereo

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New Cases News

Urban Outfitters BoomCases

Fresh New BoomCases available at Urban Outfitters! Check us out at in the Apartment & Electronics Section. Thanks Urban Outfitters for the many years of support!

New Cases

BoomCases for Urban Outfitters

New BoomCases available At Urban Outfitters. Click Below To See Them all.

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