New Cases

Polished Halliburton

Introducing our latest Polished Zero Halliburton BoomCase. Originally these solid aluminum suitcases have a matte finish to them. After countless hours of polishing we are able to create a mirror like finish on these beautiful vintage suitcases. One is now available in our online store and a few more on the way.

Vintage Halliburton Suitcase BoomBox BoomCase Speaker Bluetooth Portable Stereo

Vintage Halliburton Suitcase BoomBox BoomCase Speaker Bluetooth Portable Stereo



New BoomCases in Our Online Store Including These Monsters!

The Monster of Paris:

Hard Hitter BoomCase Bass Stereo Suitcase Thumper Thump

MoonRaker Deluxe:

Aluminum Moon Raker Moon james bond 007 wood boombox vintage toolbox boomcase tool box old wood rope