New Cases

Polished Halliburton

Introducing our latest Polished Zero Halliburton BoomCase. Originally these solid aluminum suitcases have a matte finish to them. After countless hours of polishing we are able to create a mirror like finish on these beautiful vintage suitcases. One is now available in our online store and a few more on the way.

Vintage Halliburton Suitcase BoomBox BoomCase Speaker Bluetooth Portable Stereo

Vintage Halliburton Suitcase BoomBox BoomCase Speaker Bluetooth Portable Stereo


Vintage Trunk Sound Systems

Over the years we have been creating home and outdoor vintage trunk sound systems for various business and homes. Now we are offering them direct on our website! The trunks can be fitted with turntables, batteries for outdoor use and are still able to fully close.Take a look at the few examples below and learn more in our online store (LINK).

Vintage Trunk Sound System BoomCase Steam Trunk Outdoor Speaker Bluetooth Black Hartmann Hot Italian Sacramento

Vintage Trunk Sound System BoomCase Steam Trunk Outdoor Speaker Bluetooth Black Hartmann Hot Italian SacramentoRecord Player Vinyl Turntable Vintage Trunk Sound System BoomCase Steam Trunk Outdoor Speaker Bluetooth Black Hartmann Hot Italian Sacramento


BoomCase Home Stereo

Fresh out the BoomCase Factory – BoomCase Home Stereo Editions! We have been wanting to make these for a long time now. Finally putting a few together. We can make these home stereos with 50 – 625 watts of power into a two , four or six channel system. Contact us for details and options.BoomCase Home Stereo


Decurate with The BoomCase

Nine BoomCases on Sale at