We Switched to a smaller but more powerful amplifier thus allowing us to create smaller and lighter boomcases!
This Case is 200watts – 12+ Hour Battery Life – Remote Controlled On and Off.
I Picked up a bunch of nice looking cases over the weekend from LA and San Diego.
Stay Tuned for more Pics. Goto the BoomCases section for more info.
Some might know that We Build Music Producing Machines. They come in all shapes and sizes.(See most of them at MrSiMo.com/odbros)
Now Comes Mini Boom aka BoomCase
The Self Powered, 120 watts , 4 speaker portable suitcase boom system. Works with your iPod or any device with a headphone jack. This system will last 7+ hours on a single charge. In addition to running on batteries, Mini Boom can also be plugged in when the party goes inside. This is Extremely Loud.
If you would like one custom made to your liking please contact me.