
Free Summer Shipping!

For a limited time we are offering free shipping within the USA or $49 off International shipping! Hurry offer only lasts till July 18th.

Use Code: FREESUMMER during checkout – Visit the store here – LINK –

Coupon Link –



New Explorations in Wood

Introducing our latest take on vintage suitcases – “WoodGrain” BoomCases – We take the suitcases and remove the outer layer to expose the beautiful wood frame. Then we can either stain the wood any color or just oil rub them to bring out the natural color and grain. Here are a few examples and check out our online store to see more.BoomCase Wood BoomBox Speaker Vintage Portable Retro Ghetto Blaster Bluetooth Wooden BoomCase Wood BoomBox Speaker Vintage Portable Retro Ghetto Blaster Bluetooth Wooden BoomBoxWooden BoomCase Wooden BoomBox

New Cases

Summer Specials

Look for these three Mighty Mini Summer Specials in Our Online Store! Priced at $399+. Start your summer off with some Boom :)[button url=”” color=”blue” liquid=”yes”]Click Here For Summer Specials[/button]

New Cases

Scooby Boom

We Finally Found Him:


ScoobyBoom & the BoomCases below will be in our Online Store soon.

New Cases

BoomCase Store Stocked

Our Store is full of Newly New BoomCases and Cases for Customization 🙂 Including one of our favorite 50 watt modes available in two different moods:BoomCases

New Cases

Vintage Rox Camera BoomCase + Mr. Gekko

– Now Available – Click Below To Shop –

Rox BoomCase

Mr. Gekko:Vintage BoomCase 200 Watt