New Cases

New MiNi BoomCase

We Switched to a smaller but more powerful amplifier thus allowing us to create smaller and lighter boomcases!

This Case is 200watts – 12+ Hour Battery Life – Remote Controlled On and Off.

Cost $325 – Sold.

6 replies on “New MiNi BoomCase”

Really curious what kind of amp you use that can put out 200 watts, also what kind of battery that can put out 200 watts for 9h+ that will fit in a “new mini boomcase”…would you be talking about “peak power watts” by any chance? If you are indeed talking about sinus watts, i expect your cases to weight a ton 😉

best regards from electronically inclined,
Die Koffers

they can last upto 15 hours realisitcally but it all depends on how loud you play your Boomcase.
The amps I configure my self and are measured in RMS not peak. Peak is dubious. RMS is pretty good measurement I believe of wattage . Sure its not perfect but is accurate enough.

I don’t remove them I just have to approve comments before they appear. I haven’t gotten around to doing them all yet. If your speaking about your previous comment I just approved it.

I apologise then. Somehow the “awaiting approval” text vanished before the post vanished for me, so i was under the impression it had been removed.

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