Who’s heading to BurningMan? This BoomCase is! Along with at least 5 others with over 14 hours of battery life BoomCase is the perfect BoomBox for the Playa! This case has two batteries installed for over 30 hours of continuous play. #PleaseDontStopTheMusic – Cya at Burning Man!
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3 replies on “Best Burning Man BoomBox”
How much weight will it be? I think it will be very hard to carry, weighing more than I think this Boom Box. And I’ve a little bit confusion really this boom case charge over 30 hours?
This case weighs around 25lbs. We have BoomCases that weigh around 10lbs though if you need something smaller.
You can get at least 18 hours on a charge and some of our smaller wattage models can get over 40 hours
Thanks For you information BoomCase