New Cases News

New BoomCase Barrel

Our Latest BoomCase Viking Barrel – Mini Edition. Now includes handle and fixed feet!  Vintage barrel turned into the perfect portable and home sound system. Compact and lightweight providing amazing sound indoor and out.

Two differnt woofers are available. Aluminum Coned or Black.

Different Stains are available on the Barrel as well. Stay tuned for pictures of our merlot stain + differnt colors of the metal bands (silver and bronze). You can shop for this new BoomCase Here – Store Link
If you have any questions in the meantime please email us at  – –


Wine Barrel Whiskey Barrel Keg BoomCase BoomBox Oak Barrel BoomBarrel Speaker Bluetooth Wireless Speakers Battery Best Sound
Wine Barrel Whiskey Barrel Keg BoomCase BoomBox Oak Barrel BoomBarrel Speaker Bluetooth Wireless Speakers Battery Best Sound
New Cases News

Benziger Winery x BoomCase

BoomCase + Wine Barrels + Wireless + Wine Cave = Custom Benziger Wine Barrels turned into a completely Wireless amazing speaker system . The barrels sync to each other when turned on – then plug directly into the barrels via RCA input or connect with Bluetooth. Benziger Family Winery uses the wine cave for diners, events and musical performances.

Catch us in the Cave at their next event or tour! BoomCases are also being sold at their sister Winery – Imagery just down the road. In addition we provide sound for their events + the two wineries have a custom BoomCase with a microphone setup that they use for outdoor gatherings in the vineyard.

For more information about Benziger and Imagery follow the links – – – Both Wineries are located in Glen Ellen, Sonoma County , California. Pictures by W. Ocean – Thanks!

Benziger Winery BoomCase Barrel Speaker Wireless Wine Barrels Bluetooth Speakers Wine Cave Sonoma Glen Ellen California Napa Wine Country Benziger Winery BoomCase Barrel Speaker Wireless Wine Barrels Bluetooth Speakers Wine Cave Sonoma Glen Ellen California Napa Wine Country Benziger Winery BoomCase Barrel Speaker Wireless Wine Barrels Bluetooth Speakers Wine Cave Sonoma Glen Ellen California Napa Wine Country Benziger Winery BoomCase Barrel Speaker Wireless Wine Barrels Bluetooth Speakers Wine Cave Sonoma Glen Ellen California Napa Wine Country Benziger Winery BoomCase Barrel Speaker Wireless Wine Barrels Bluetooth Speakers Wine Cave Sonoma Glen Ellen California Napa Wine Country


The Vikings Have Returned!

Vikings History Channel Boomcase sexy girl with sunglasses on and a boomcase at quickly cup sacramento holidays Christmas BoomCase Gift Red Dress Cute Sexy Gold Art installation tapigami Sacramento Downtown Exhibit S Viking EnglandVikings History Channel Boomcase sexy girl with sunglasses on and a boomcase at quickly cup sacramento holidays Christmas BoomCase Gift Red Dress Cute Sexy Gold Art installation tapigami Sacramento Downtown Exhibit S Viking England

The Viking Has Returned! The Viking III –

Ultra rare BoomCase in a vintage 18th century water barrel.  The third edition in our Viking series. Viking IViking II.  This case is about the same size as Viking I and has a unique vintage sound with bass to back it up. Like an old record player with a sub-woofer in it, this case will bring your old music back to life and keep the party going all night. Truly one of a kind. Now Available in our online store. [button url=”” color=”blue” liquid=”yes”]Click Here to Shop[/button]