
New San Francisco Store & More

We are honored to be apart of Klein, Epstein and Parker’s latest store in San Francisco, CA. ( With two stores in the LA Area (which carry BoomCases as well) they have moved north to spread their greatness and custom designed suits. If you are in SF and need a BoomCase stop in at 467 Gough St. in Hayes Valley. While Talking about new Stores we are in we should announce that you can now buy BoomCases in The Conran Shop ( stores located in London (UK) and Paris (France).

Klein Epstein And Parker BoomCases West Elm Modern Furniture Design Classic Bay Area Emeryville Holiday BoomCase Pop Up Shop Popup Store Valencia Mission San Francisco SF Dijital Fix Cool Store Amazing BoomBox Custom Klein Epstein And Parker BoomCases West Elm Modern Furniture Design Classic Bay Area Emeryville Holiday BoomCase Pop Up Shop Popup Store Valencia Mission San Francisco SF Dijital Fix Cool Store Amazing BoomBox Custom Klein Epstein And Parker BoomCases West Elm Modern Furniture Design Classic Bay Area Emeryville Holiday BoomCase Pop Up Shop Popup Store Valencia Mission San Francisco SF Dijital Fix Cool Store Amazing BoomBox Custom Klein Epstein And Parker BoomCases West Elm Modern Furniture Design Classic Bay Area Emeryville Holiday BoomCase Pop Up Shop Popup Store Valencia Mission San Francisco SF Dijital Fix Cool Store Amazing BoomBox Custom

New Cases

Plaid For Adidas

Some of the Custom Plaid BoomCases we built for Adidas and their new stores opening soon in the Pacific Northwest. Stay Tuned for more pics and more Plaid BoomCases 🙂 Red Plaid BoomCase Adidas Tartan BoomBox New Store OWN Pacific Northwest Oregon Suitcase BoomBox Red Plaid BoomCase Adidas Tartan BoomBox New Store OWN Pacific Northwest Oregon Suitcase BoomBox

New Cases

Urban Outfitters BoomCase

A New Batch of BoomCases have arrived at Urban Outfitters! Check out and search BoomCase to see more or click the link below.

Urban Outfitters Urban Fashion Suitcase BoomBox Suitcase Speaker BoomBox BoomCase Jamie Oliver UK London Chef Cook Bruno Mars Kaskade Apartment Decor Home StereoUrban Outfitters Urban Fashion Suitcase BoomBox Suitcase Speaker BoomBox BoomCase Jamie Oliver UK London Chef Cook Bruno Mars Kaskade Apartment Decor Home Stereo

Urban Outfitters Urban Fashion Suitcase BoomBox Suitcase Speaker BoomBox BoomCase Jamie Oliver UK London Chef Cook Bruno Mars Kaskade Apartment Decor Home Stereo

[button url=”” color=”blue” liquid=”yes” target=”new”]Shop[/button]


Best Burning Man BoomBox

Who’s heading to BurningMan? This BoomCase is! Along with at least 5 others with over 14 hours of battery life BoomCase is the perfect BoomBox for the Playa! This case has two batteries installed for over 30 hours of continuous play. #PleaseDontStopTheMusic – Cya at Burning Man!

Pics from Previous Years –

BoomBox vintage suitcase boomcase boombox burning man playa

vintage suitcase boomcase boombox burning man black rock city

New Cases News

Urban Outfitters BoomCases

Fresh New BoomCases available at Urban Outfitters! Check us out at in the Apartment & Electronics Section. Thanks Urban Outfitters for the many years of support!