A look at the custom Good Things Brewing BoomCase we made for our buddies in the UK. If you’re over there be sure to taste the goodness 🙂
Good Things Brewing

A look at the custom Good Things Brewing BoomCase we made for our buddies in the UK. If you’re over there be sure to taste the goodness 🙂
Introducing the “Black Pelican” – A BoomCase built into a waterproof Pelican case. Featuring 100 Watts of power and completely protected speakers. Click here to learn more – Store Link
We are honored to be apart of Klein, Epstein and Parker’s latest store in San Francisco, CA. (http://www.kleinepsteinparker.com) With two stores in the LA Area (which carry BoomCases as well) they have moved north to spread their greatness and custom designed suits. If you are in SF and need a BoomCase stop in at 467 Gough St. in Hayes Valley. While Talking about new Stores we are in we should announce that you can now buy BoomCases in The Conran Shop (http://www.conranshop.co.uk) stores located in London (UK) and Paris (France).
Honored to Be Jamie Oliver’s “Coolest Present Ever” http://instagram.com/jamieoliver Thanks to Sam Robinson for sharing the joy of a BoomCase! 🙂