New Cases News

The Big Build.

We acquired a bunch of new Suitcases recently…But We have decided not to release these yet for custom orders. We have so many orders right now it is taking up to two weeks to get “heavily custom” cases out. Basic ones about a week….So in order to catch up/prepare for our upcoming press in Rolling Stone, Mens Journal, Playboy and GO we are going to be producing a bunch of ready-to-ship cases that will be for sale in our online store 🙂

Sorry if this is an inconvenience for anyone we just want to be able to make the best Boomcase possible and available to everyone. We are still taking orders on the cases already listed on the site.

Thanks Again and Please subscribe to our mailing list (to the right of this post) to be notified when new BoomCases are up for sale and when we will be releasing our new stock for custom orders.

Much Love,
The BoomCase Team

New Cases News

Papa Was A Rolling Stone

I sent Rolling Stone Two BoomCases for a Photo Shoot. This is one of them. : )

Custom Case. 200 Watts. 12+ Hour Battery Life. SOLD
New Cases News

Sneaky Peaky

“The Titanic” – Custom Order- 400 watts 10 speakers. Double Battery, USB Charger, 150w Power Inverter (so you can power your laptop etc directly off case) and Bluetooth Wireless Audio : ) New Pics HERE

New Cases News

The Last One Standing

This is our only Ready-to-Ship BoomCase left. Now Available in our online store. We are currently in “production mode” in anticipation of the BoomCase being feateured in several big name magazines. At this moment custom orders can take up to three weeks to be completed. In order to catch up with all the orders and start producing more ready-made BoomCases we will be delaying new custom orders for a week or two. We will still gladly take orders, just note they will take longer to complete at this point. : )
-Dominic “Mr. SiMo”

"True Blue" 50 Watts Battery/Plug-in BoomCase. 9+ Hour Battery. In Store.

“airBoy” Quick Demo Video

Just made a short video to show off the “airBoy” BoomCase (SOLD). Not so great quality Vid but you get the idea 🙂
See More Cases Here.


Working On a New Ordering System.

We are going to be trying out a new way of ordering custom Boomcases. While we will still gladly take emails and list pictures of available suitcases, we will also be adding some to our online store so you can reserve a specific suitcase without having to ask if its reserved or not. Check out the case below to see how it works. In addition, if you have emailed me about ordering a case and I havent gotten back to please just resend me an email. I have had hundreds of emails over the past few days. While I think I have gone through them all I might of missed some. Thanks : )

-Dominic “Mr. SiMo”

Click to Adopt This BoomCase. Available in Online Store.